Chris L Terry

Poly Styrene (aka Mary Joan Elliot -Said) was the frontperson of the punk band X-ray Spex.

Bad Brains are an American punk/rock band formed in Washington, D.C. in 1977.

Full MovieAfro Punk by James Spooner

Soul Glo is a Philly based punk band →

Ho99o9 is an American hip hop/hardcore punk group founded by theOGM and Eaddy in 2012 in Newark, New Jersey, and currently Jason’s favorite band.

Jason misspoke, as he is wont to do, when he mentioned Roachclip as the African band he was digging. While Roachclip is a fine band, they are German rock. The band he meant to say is Crackdust. Honest mistake. Crackdust is a death metal band from Botswana.

Radkey is an American punk rock band from St. Joseph, Missouri.

Yamazaki Whiskey is Jason’s favorite whiskey and if you like whiskey, you’ll certainly love Yamazaki.

Link → Razorcake Zine

Octavia Estelle Butler was an American science fiction author. You can buy Kindred and other works by her on

As well as


Further reading

Kelsey Robinson

Video → “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell

Video → “Give Me One Reason” by Tracey Chapman

Kahlil Haywood

Link → Madame Noire

Link → Single Black Male

Link → Very Smart Brothas

Link → Daily Mail

Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff on Thriftbooks

Gail D Taylor

Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-fi and Black Fantasy Culture by Ytasha Womack on Amazon. Link → George A Romero Wiki – the father of...

Quincy Ledbetter

Akira Kurosawa was a Japanese film director, screenwriter, and producer who directed 30 films in a career spanning 57 years. He is regarded as one of...


Music Video → “Flagpole Sitta” by Harvey Danger Jason NOTE: I misquoted the lyrics; actual lyrics are: “…I’m so hot, cuz I’m in...

Stéfon Charlot

Respectability politics or the politics of respectability is a form of moralistic discourse used by some prominent figures, leaders or...

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